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COVID-19 and Viking Link construction works

The construction of Viking Link is a key part of the development of national infrastructure for the UK and Denmark. The two partners, National Grid and Energinet, together with our contractors, have assessed the COVID-19 impacts on the manufacturing and construction works. In line with current government guidelines in Denmark, Great Britain and the countries involved in the manufacturing of cables and converters, essential work on the Viking Link interconnector project continues. Some of the activities are works that need to take place today, to ensure the running of the network tomorrow. 

The welfare of our employees and contractors remains our priority.  All the people who need to continue working on site and in the community are doing so under stringent health and safety measures to protect not just themselves but also the communities in which they operate.  

We are very grateful to our people who are continuing to go out to work every day to continue the construction of the energy networks of tomorrow at such a critical time.