The frequently asked questions and answers below have been put together to help address queries from landowners, farmers and the general public. It is aimed at persons with an interest in land who may be affected by Viking Link .
What is Viking Link?
Viking Link is a 1,400 Mega Watt (MW) high voltage direct current (DC) electricity link between the British and Danish transmission systems connecting at Bicker Fen substation in Lincolnshire and Revsing substation in southern Jutland, Denmark. The project has involved the construction of a converter station in each country and the installation of submarine and underground cables between each converter station and underground cables between the converter station and substation in each country.
Is Viking Link linked to the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm project?
No. Viking Link is completely separate.
What stage is the project at now?
The onshore cable has been laid and restoration works have begun taking place. The converter station has been constructed at both Bicker Fen (UK) and Revsing (DK) and equipment installation has started. With two remaining offshore campaigns, Viking Link is due to be completed by the end of 2023.
What rights to compensation are there?
If we do need to build any equipment on privately owned land, there are regulations that detail when compensation is payable and appropriate levels of compensation will be paid.
Typically, compensation is not payable if equipment is not in or on a person’s land. Should we contact you about your land, this does not indicate an automatic entitlement to compensation. Where we do ultimately propose to place equipment on land, we will work closely with landowners to seek to reduce any potential effects and to negotiate compensation terms. Where applicable, we will also discuss access for survey work we need to undertake as part of our environmental assessments and for engineering purposes.
Any party who feels that they may have a claim for compensation is recommended to seek professional advice and /or contact us. We will be happy to discuss their individual situation.
Will I get paid compensation for access?
NGVL will make advance damage compensation for payments for accessing land for intrusive and non-intrusive surveys.
Will I get compensated for crop losses during construction and in following years as the land recovers?
NGVL will compensate for all reasonable and substantiated losses arising from construction of the project.
What legislation covers these works?
NGVL submitted four separate planning applications to Boston Borough Council, East Lindsey District Council, North Kesteven District Council and South Holland District Council for planning permission under the Town and Country Planning Act. Planning permission was granted in 2018 by three of the four local authorities and in December 2018 (following an appeal into the decision to refuse by East Lindsey).
How will this affect my land drains and my ability to farm?
NGVL intends to ensure that land and existing assets such as drains are reinstated to their original condition once cable installation and construction works are completed. There is a need for further studies into drainage and soil types to ensure that these works are done correctly, and we welcome input from farmers and landowners. For example, we are keen to see any records relating to drainage and other relevant documentation.
Where open-type trenches must be excavated, typical construction techniques will involve separation of the topsoil from the subsoil to preserve the existing soil structure. The topsoil will be stored to prevent weed build-up and texture damage. We have engaged a specialist land drainage consultant to ensure that drainage requirements are established and incorporated into the construction programme.
Is there a prescribed minimum distance between properties and underground cables?
UK law does not prescribe any minimum distance between underground cables and homes.
How will you access the cable corridor to facilitate works?
NGVL has undertaken studies to determine what permanent and temporary land will be necessary, including land for access requirements, to facilitate construction, operation and maintenance of the project and we will continue to discuss requirements with landowners.
Why do you need to access my land now?
NGVL will continue to get information on ecology, soils, landscape, land use, drainage etc. as the project progresses to understand if there is anything of ecological importance. We may also want to access some land for boreholes and archaeology studies. Much of this work is best done at certain times of the year and we will discuss with landowners etc how best to fit the surveys around land use management.
What happens if I don’t agree to grant permission for survey access across land owned by me?
We would prefer under all circumstances to agree all required access for survey voluntarily. If, however, access cannot be agreed voluntarily National Grid Viking Link Limited (NGVL) does have powers available to it under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to enter and survey land in the absence of consent. This process would only ever be initiated where voluntary agreement is not possible and very much as a last resort and where survey information is essential to the development of the project.
Do you have rights to compulsorily acquire land or land rights?
Yes - NGVL was granted an electricity transmission licence on 12th November 2014, and this confers powers under Schedule 3 of the Electricity Act 1989 to compulsorily acquire land or rights in land. Schedule 3 requires that the implementation of these compulsory acquisition rights is subject to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965.
Please see the section on Compulsory Purchase Order (under Land Interests) on the website for more details.
Did you talk to Internal Drainage Boards and the Environment Agency?
Yes, we spoke to the three affected Internal Drainage Boards (Lindsey Marsh, Witham Fourth and Black Sluice) as well as the Environment Agency. We are aware of the importance of drainage and the flood defences in the area.
Did you talk to any other bodies who represent landowners and farmers?
Yes, we consulted with the National Farmers Union (NFU), The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) and The Lincolnshire Association of Agricultural Valuers (LAAV).
How was the landfall site be constructed? What land did you need there?
The submarine cables are joined to the onshore cables in a transition joint pit (TJP) which will be buried underground in land from the sea defences at the proposed landfall site. No above ground infrastructure is required.
How did you join cable sections?
The DC cables have been joined in buried joint bays positioned at 800 to 1000-metre intervals. No above-ground infrastructure is required once the cables are operational.
What work has been involved in the UK onshore scheme?
Two high voltage DC offshore cables have been buried under the sea from Denmark and come onshore at the landfall site at Boygrift, near Sandilands, East Lindsey.
The onshore cables, comprising of DC underground electricity cables and an optional smaller fibre optic cable for operational, communication and control purposes, have been laid between the landfall site and the converter station site at North Ing Drove, near Donington, South Holland.
Alternating current cables (AC) have been laid between the converter station and the National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) substation at Bicker Fen from which electricity can then be transported for use in homes and businesses.
What is the location of the cables/landfall site/point of connection?
Bicker Fen substation was identified as the site for the link to connect into the existing National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) electricity transmission network. The converter station site is at North Ing Drove, near Donington, in South Holland. The landfall site is at Boygrift, near Sandilands, East Lindsey on the Lincolnshire coast.
How did you bury the cables?
Typically, the cables were directly in a trench that was dug using specialised construction equipment or pulled from within a plastic duct, which was then laid into the trench and backfilled. The cables are buried in the trench to a depth of approximately 1.5 metres depending on ground conditions, field drainage and local activities. The onshore cable construction working width is estimated to be up to 30 metres wide with additional areas needed at crossing points as well as other areas, such as material storage and access points. Where the cables crossed watercourses, roads, railways etc., other installation techniques were used such as directional drilling.
Can anything go on top of the cable route once restoration is completed?
Normal agricultural activities can continue once works are completed. Crops can be grown, and animals grazed above the cables, although some restrictions may apply to ensure safety is not compromised.
It is not advisable to build or erect any type of permanent structure or plant trees above the cables or within the permanent easement as tree roots and/or other excavation works could damage the cables. In addition, we will need access to the cables for future maintenance purposes.