Viking Link successfully started flowing power on 29th December 2023.
Registering your company is the first step towards buying up to 1400MW of capacity between Great Britain and Denmark via a variety of auctions. Auctions will include Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily and Intraday explicit auctions.
Viking Link currently offers Daily and Intraday auctions, with long term auctions being introduced at a later date.
To register as a customer, please contact the Viking Link Customer Team at [email protected] who will take you through the registration process and provide you with the relevant documentation.
The table below provides a high-level summary for registering as a Viking Link customer. There are two options to choose from depending upon whether you wish to buy capacity only (non – nominating) or buy and nominate capacity (nominating).
Please refer to the Registration Guide & Customer Checklist which outlines in detail each of the above steps.
As part of the physical registration process (RNP), customers are required to be a Danish Balance Responsible Party (BRP). Part of this process requires customers to be registered with an approved eSett settlement bank. We are working to expand the number of approved settlement banks, particularly for our non-Nordic customers.
Please find below the Viking Link Access Rules and Charging Methodology in force.
Viking Link Access Rules and Charging Methodology
For registration and general enquiries contact the Viking Link Customer team [email protected]