The Partners

Viking Link is a joint venture between National Grid and Energinet, the Danish transmission system operator.

National Grid

National Grid Viking Link Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Grid plc, a major UK company which owns and manages gas and electricity infrastructure in the UK and in the north eastern US.

In the UK, the National Grid Group runs the systems that deliver gas and electricity across the entire country. In the north eastern US, the Group provides power directly to millions of customers. The Group holds a vital position at the center of the energy system, joining everything up.

To meet rising energy demands, National Grid links the UK electricity transmission system to other countries’ networks via interconnectors. Links with France, known as IFA (Interconnexion France Angleterre), the Netherlands BritNed and a UK-Belgium interconnector known as Nemo Link®. 

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Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish state as represented by the Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate. It owns, operates and develops the Danish electricity and gas transmission systems.

Energinet’s mission is to provide reliable energy for society. Its duty is to supply electricity and gas to all Danish citizens, businesses and institutions – now, tomorrow and in the years to come. Its vision is to balance in a sustainable energy system. Through international and market-based solutions, a balance must be struck between the short and long-term perspectives, between the interests of consumers and producers, and between national and international initiatives in step with the transition to renewable energy.

Energinet has been operating HVDC interconnectors since 1965 and also owns and operates several electricity interconnectors to Germany, Sweden and Norway. 

Developing further interconnection is an important strategic goal for Energinet as they support the effective integration of Danish wind power and help to ensure that Danish society benefits as much as possible from investment in wind power. Working with partners, Energinet is developing more interconnectors to Germany, The Netherlands and Great Britain.

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